Natural Homemade Face Cleanser For Oily Skin | DIY Face Wash

Do you have pimples, blackheads, clogged pores, or dark areas on your face? You’ve come to the right place if you want to use natural products to get rid of acne outbreaks, dark spots, and excessive oil production. Excessive oil production clogs and blocks the pores of the skin, resulting in acne breakouts. To keep your skin healthy, radiant, and clear, learn how to make natural homemade face cleanser for oily skin.

Do you have any clue what I’m talking about? The cleanser should be powerful enough to remove all dirt, germs, and excess oil from the skin while also keeping the pores clean and clear without drying them out. The abrasive cleanser for oily skin results in increased pores, aging symptoms, age spots, and pigmentation, as well as unhealthy, rough, and aged skin.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to discover about three homemade cleansers (DIY Face wash) for oily, acne-prone skin that are devoid of chemicals, harsh or bleaching agents, and preservatives. This DIY cleanser’s ingredients are 100% natural and safe for all skin types. These homemade soaps will reduce oil production, prevent fresh acne from forming, lighten dark spots/age spots, avoid clogged pores, and leave the skin clean, clear, and healthy.

1. Homemade Charcoal Soap

The 3 most effective handmade soaps (pour and melt soaps) for oily, acne-prone skin are listed below. All of the soaps are gentle enough to use regularly and include no harsh chemicals.


  1.  charcoal (2 teaspoons)
  2.  cinnamon (1 teaspoon)
  3.  turmeric (quarter teaspoon)
  4.  licorice (1 teaspoon)
  5. Aloe Vera gel (from the store) (2 tablespoons)
  6. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic (3-4 drops)
  7. Any good oil-free soap or soap base

How to Make an Acne-Prone Skin Cleanser at Home

  • With the help of the grater, grate the soap (should be 1 cup after grating).
  • Alternatively, you could cut the soap into little pieces.
  • Combine all of the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  • In a low-medium flame, add grated soap to a skillet and allow it to melt fully.
  • To prevent clumps from forming, keep swirling.
  • Extinguish the flame.
  • Fill in any food storage box or container with the mixture.
  • Coconut/almond oil should be used to grease the mold.
  • It’s time to make a homemade cleanser for oily skin.

What is the best way to store?

This soap can be kept in your bathroom.

What is the best way to utilize homemade soap?

  • To remove debris and oil, splash your face with warm water.
  • Using your hands, wet the soap and lather it up.
  • Make a lather for your face.
  • For a better result, rub for a few seconds.
  • Avoid putting your hands in your eyes or mouth.
  • For healthy skin, pat dry and apply toner.

How often should it be used?

For oil-free, beautiful skin, use this soap twice a day.

2. Homemade Neem Soap


  1. Neem leaves (2 teaspoons)
  2. cloves (1 teaspoon)
  3. turmeric (quarter teaspoon)
  4. sandals (1 teaspoon)
  5. Aloe Vera gel (from the store) (2 tablespoons)
  6. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic (3-4 drops)
  7. Any good oil-free soap or soap base

How to Make an Acne-Prone Skin Cleanser at Home

  • With the help of the grater, grate the soap (should be 1 cup after grating).
  • Alternatively, you could cut the soap into little pieces.
  • Combine all of the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  • In a low-medium flame, add grated soap to a skillet and allow it to melt fully.
  • To prevent clumps from forming, keep swirling.
  • Extinguish the flame.
  • Fill in any food storage box or container with the mixture.
  • It’s time to make a homemade cleanser for oily skin.

What is the best way to utilize homemade soap?

  • To remove debris and oil, splash your face with warm water.
  • Using your hands, wet the soap and lather it up.
  • Make a lather for your face.
  • For a better result, rub for a few seconds.
  • Avoid putting your hands in your eyes or mouth.
  • For healthy skin, pat dry and appl

For oil-free, beautiful skin, use this soap twice a day.

3. Homemade Lemon  Soap


  1. lemon peel (2 teaspoons)
  2. charcoal (1 teaspoon)
  3. orange peel (quarter teaspoon)
  4. licorice (1 teaspoon)
  5. Aloe Vera gel (from the store) (2 tablespoons)
  6. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic (3-4 drops)
  7. Any good oil-free soap or soap base

How to Make an Acne-Prone Skin Cleanser at Home

  • With the help of the grater, grate the soap (should be 1 cup after grating).
  • Alternatively, you could cut the soap into little pieces.
  • Combine all of the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  • In a low-medium flame, add grated soap to a skillet and allow it to melt fully.
  • To prevent clumps from forming, keep swirling.
  • Extinguish the flame.
  • Fill in any food storage box or container with the mixture.
  • Coconut/almond oil should be used to grease the mold.
  • It’s time to make a homemade cleanser for oily skin.

What is the best way to store?

This soap can be kept in your bathroom.

What is the best way to utilize homemade soap?

  • To remove debris and oil, splash your face with warm water.
  • Using your hands, wet the soap and lather it up.
  • Make a lather for your face.
  • For a better outcome, rub for a few seconds.
  • Avoid putting your hands in your eyes or mouth.
  • It should be washed away.
  • For healthy skin, pat dry and apply toner.

How often should it be used?

For oil-free, beautiful skin, use this soap twice a day.

Tips for Making an Oily Skin Cleanser at Home:

  • Simply wash the neem/mint/basil leaves and mix them with 2 teaspoons of water. If you don’t keep the soap in the fridge, the fresh leaves’ paste will cause it to melt.
  • Fresh aloe Vera gel is beneficial to the skin, and you may use it in your handmade soap.
  • To make your homemade soap, use any good oil-free acne control soap/or soap base.
  • Add a few drops of almond oil/glycerine to your handmade soap if your skin is the combination or not very oily.

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