How to Make Natural Face Cleanser at Home

My mum used to create some pretty nice cleansers at home when I was in my teens. They consistently outperformed even the best of the best face cleansers on the market. Natural face cleanser for oily skin makes their way back into our lives as we learn more about the harmful effects of chemicals and other unnatural substances in many commercial skincare products and clean living becomes a priority day by day.

Today, we’ll go over four natural homemade facial cleansers that will leave you feeling amazing. The ingredients for the majority of them are readily available in our kitchen.


When we hear the word oil, the first thing that comes to mind is how it may be used to clean our faces. Oil, on the other hand, is one of the greatest cleansers for dry skin since it cleanses without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Coconut oil, for example, contains linoleic acid, which helps combat acne, as well as lauric acid, which is moisturizing and antibacterial. It is a well-known procedure for removing makeup in Hollywood.

how to use – Apply a squirt of oil to your face (coconut, olive, grape, almond, or any other favorite) and gently massage it for 30 to 40 seconds. Wet a white microfiber towel with warm water, wring off the excess water and place it against your face for a few minutes. It will open your blocked pores before gently patting your face with a cloth to remove the oil. More information about oil face washing may be found here.


Honey is the sweetest face cleanser, and it’s also my personal favorite. It effective cleanser for oily skin on the face while also moisturizing the skin. Honey has the advantage of being suited for all skin types and can be used alone without the addition of any other ingredients.

Apply a squirt of lemon juice to your face and gently massage it in. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for drying before washing in warm water.

To treat oily skin, mix a few drops of lemon juice with a half tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your face gently and keep it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water. The combination of honey and lemon is an excellent natural moisturizer and antibacterial. (I cleanse with a honey and lemon mixture.)

Add milk or cream to honey for dry skin. To remove makeup, dab a small amount of honey on a washcloth and sprinkle baking soda on top, then gently wipe away the makeup with the washcloth. Then gently wash your face with warm water.


The protein and lactic acid in yogurt cleanse the skin, leaving it smooth and rejuvenated. When you use yogurt to cleanse your face regularly, it will exfoliate dead skin cells, tighten pores, decrease the appearance of fine wrinkles, and moisturize your skin.

Apply plain yogurt to your face with your fingertips and gently massage it in. Allow the yogurt to sit on your face for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Cleansing Grains.

Cleansing Grains – Cleansing grains are usually the powdered version of plants or foods that we have on hand. As cleaning grains, you can use gram flour, cornflour, rice, oats, or nuts. A wonderful facial cleanser is made with finely crushed grains, lemon, honey, milk, yogurt, rosewater, glycerin, and oil.

How to use it: Take any finely ground grain you have in your kitchen and mix it with any of the liquids listed above, depending on your skin type – for oily skin, use lemon and honey, and for dry skin, use milk/yogurt/oil. To add a hint of aroma, use rose water. Scrub your face gently for a few minutes with the combination. If you touch your skin too much, it will break out. Warm water should be used to clean.

A word of caution: Know your skin type and perform a patch test first. Check out this link if you want to produce some great face washes at home that you can keep.

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